
2018 evernote android deletes all empty lines
2018 evernote android deletes all empty lines

I'm growing to really, really like Evernote but, as another user commented, Evernote's " failure to support plain text" is a major flaw. It's not a "feature request" to want "simplify formatting" to strip ALL of the formatting out of our notes. Only way re-pasting (and that's not a reasonable thing to need to do) works is with a brand new note. And, like some other users, I tried cleaning up the problem by pasting into an intermediary program (textedit), turning the copy into Plaintext, and pasting into Evernote. Same thing with space-V, as Emerick suggested. Tried CTRL/Command-SHIFT-V instead of CTRL/Command-V and I still end up with wide spacing. Some lines are "simplified" to single-spacing - others have a line inserted between.

2018 evernote android deletes all empty lines

Even when I "simplify formatting" it's not clearing the formatting consistently. I'm having the same experience, using the Mac desktop version 3.2.0 (premium). I consider these basic text editing issues, not features. It persists even when the bad lines are removed.

2018 evernote android deletes all empty lines

Deleting lines does not get rid of the bad formatting.

2018 evernote android deletes all empty lines

Copy & past fonts get upscaled & downscaled size at random. Line spaces double when I don't want them. Lots & lots of basic text editing problems.

2018 evernote android deletes all empty lines